Website Intelligence

And so I sit before this screen.
I feel so dumb, I want to scream!
There is a note to update now,
But I seriously do not know how.

I log onto the site to chat
In hopes of learning this or that,
But when all is said and done,
I only feel supremely dumb.

I really do like to share our poetry, but the technical side of our blog site is mind boggling to me. I did not grow up in the computer age. I remember when I started to work at LDS Hospital in 1970, everyone was awed at the modern computer system just installed. It took up a whole floor of the hospital.

Anyway, just venting my frustration. Another frustrating thing is that Bob says we are missing valuable comments. He believes the spam programs are eliminating them. So, if you are reading this, please send a comment, and if sending comments is cumbersome, do it anyway and tell me about it..please!

This is how dumb I feel.

The link above has nothing really to do with the poem or picture, except that we should always be open to learning new things from the challenges we face.


Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

2 thoughts to “Website Intelligence”

  1. that is a very funny picture. And you are not dumb. I was born 33 years later than you and I also have no clue about how to make or manage my own website. I think it’s pretty hard to get traffic to a website these days and you are not alone in that. It’s not that you don’t have anything interesting to say. I sure enjoy it. I think the comments being blocked are spam b/c spammers have nothing better to do than create algorithms to try to get clicks and they’ll put them everywhere they can. The program you installed I’m sure has very good algorithms too, to weed out the obvious spam stuff. For example ,my comments get through b/c they can tell I’m not a spammer. Tell Dad if it wasn’t working to block actual comments, it would be blocking mine. 🙂 Love you guys.

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