Don’t Go Faster

Don't go faster than we have the strength to go.
Don't feel guilty for needing to go slow.
We need to be wise about what we can do.
Don't be afraid to ask the Lord to help us make it through.

When someone asks us for help along their way,
Weigh each circumstance with what we do today.
It's better to do one thing well, than two things badly.
Time is a precious gift.  Spend it gladly. *

We each have things we care about.  Dreams we want to do.
Only those who watch their time, will make good dreams come true.
When someone asks for a dime, let us give them two.
A generous soul receives again; good deeds bring God's love through.

Remember, be slow to say, "I will." So we won't break our word.
Only when the spirit calls can we truly serve.
Don't run faster than we have strength,
Or life can get absurd!

*D&C 123:17--Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all
things that lie in our power; and then my we stand still, with the utmost
assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.

Early settlers to the Bear Lake Valley built this old cabin in Fish Lake, Utah. Pioneers have always been fascinating to me. The ones who came to Bear Lake Valley in 1863 were sent by Brigham Young from the Salt Lake area. Just think. The Salt Lake Valley wast first settled in 1847 at great sacrifice to build homes, plant gardens, and to just try to stay alive. I’m thinking that those early settlers would have thought they were running faster than they had strength, but perhaps it was a matter of survival. Then, after having been there for only a few years, perhaps just enough to build that home and clear land for a farm, they were asked to move again to a colder, less hospitable place. And they went. They were asked to do something that I believe may have seemed too hard, too much.

I think that we, as mothers, are sometimes asked to go too fast; to do too much; to spread ourselves way too thin. But we do it. Why? Because we love. Is that bad? You tell me. Should the pioneers have said, “No.”? When are we really justified to say no? Think about it, and let’s come back an finish this. PLEASE COMMENT!

The link below is entitled “Just a Mom” Click on the ‘red’ to view..It’s only a couple of minutes.


Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

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