One Day

Last month we took an extended vacation to one of our most beloved places: the Oregon coast. Almost as a last minute thought, we decided to take our 3 oldest grandchildren along (ages 14, 13, and 7). To be honest…I had my doubts that we could successfully endure 17 days. There would be a lot of driving on several days, probably 8+ hours, and those kids usually complain after 1-2 hours! And, I’m not sure they really are into appreciating scenery. Will we be able to have enough for them to do? Enough to EAT? Will they fight and quarrel to the point of driving us insane? We both decided to give it our best effort, and to really try to show them how much we love them. And now, looking back on it, I think perhaps it is one of the best trips we’ve ever taken. Those 3 were a positive delight. Their exuberance at their first ocean sight and encounter forcefully reminded me of how wondrous the ocean really is. I saw it all through different eyes, the eyes of children.

There is definitely something about being together, away from home, for more than just a few hours. Bonds were reinforced, connections made, and love grows. Memories will fuel me for a long time, and I hope that will also be true for them. I hope in years and decades to come, that they will reflect upon events of this trip, and find comfort and strengthen in them because they know of our love for them, and they will know that they are important, valued and treasured, just as was expressed by Russell M. Nelson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He shared a profound family acronym about his feelings for his children and grandchildren: LAWN: Loved, Adored, Wanted, Needed.

The following short video expresses the value of spending time together as a family. I can strongly relate to the comments at the end by the grandparents, expressing that phone calls just don’t take the place of time together.


There is so much beauty in one day,
If man can open up his eyes,
To look at God’s great canvas,
From a flower, to the skies,
From the delicate color
In a butterfly’s wings,
The the majestic blues and greys
On the mountain side.
For here lies God’s creation,
My testimony and eternal progression
To those who follow love.


Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

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