When Trials Come

Seems that I am always trying to say something profound, especially to my children and grand children…something that is definite and final, that which tips the scale and as a result they are able to make good choices and avoid all that is out there; and there is a lot out there to run from: drugs, alcohol, gangs and all that comes with that, peer pressure, and those who have evil intentions but wear sheep’s clothing and are able to deceive so many of our youth, and adults as well. But, alas, I’m still writing. I’m sure that my life will run out before I can accomplish the influential things I desire.

This poem is written to youth, and dedicated to light houses everywhere; those beacons, not unlike our own porch light that remains lit until the last have entered in for the night. A light house says, “Come Home!”…and when you are there, you are warm and safe.

When trials come upon us, they come in many ways.
We each face many choices through dark uncharted haze.
We each can pray for guidance to help us through life’s storms.
The Holy Ghost will guide us and keep us safe and warm.

And when we near the harbor, look for the lights on shore.
They’ll guide us to the channel, safe from the oceans’ roar.
The light house calls to us and shines pure, straight and true.
Through all our hardest trials, Christ’s love will see us through.

Now, child, you sail through waters where we have never gone.
We pray that Christ will bless you and your family will grow strong.
God gives to each of us weakness to teach us humility.
Remember to turn to Christ and His strength will set us free.

Pray for the strength to do the things that you’re inspired to do.
Don’t run faster than the spirit’s voice, or you won’t hear what’s true.
Take time to serve in sacred things and God will guide your way…
Like prayers, church and God’s holy house, and you will reach the bay.

Now, children, you know we love you from the bottom of our hearts.
We strive and pray for you and hope you’ll do your part.
We sense the heavy burdens that you are called to carry through.
Our prayers, hope & faith call for our Lord to comfort you.

This is a painting I created after our 2014 Oregon Coast trip. It is a composite of seascapes from Bandon, Cape Blanco, and even from a previous vacation to Pigeon Point in California.

The following message (about 2 minutes) speaks of light houses and youth:



Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

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