
Not long ago we visited family in Idaho. Bob and Parleigh (12) did some intense poetry creations. One subject they explored was that of hypocrisy. I suppose that a hypocrite is one whose outside does not match their inside. The opposite might be someone that you can look at and pretty much know who they are inside? The world would be a better place if everybody was like that. I’d like to hear your definition of hypocrisy. The dictionary says, “the practice of expressing feelings, beliefs, or virtues one does not hold or posses.” Anyway, Bob and Parleigh both worked on the whole poem. Parleigh helped to edit all of it and the last verse is entirely her creation. Way to go, Parleigh!

Hypocrisy is a word most souls try not to deserve.
We fall unto it’s evil power when we pretend to serve.
Watch what’s within our own eyes, when we tell others of their sin.
Only when we see clearly, can we help another win.

We each must learn to look within and pray for light above,
That Jesus in His perfect light will guide us with His love.
That we may be worthy of the Holy Ghost to speak peace to our soul
And guide us to truth and light, that we may choose to grow.

A hypocrite knows what is right, but lies or does not speak
For truth and light, then deep inside life’s fear makes us weak.
Only when we stand firm for Christ will He stand firm for us.
Help us to honor our sacred King and grow in Christ’s pure trust.

Let’s strive to be free from hypocrisy with mind, soul, and heart,
And through our Savior’s perfect love, let’s become more pure in heart.
And when we find hypocrisy is slowly creeping in,
Let’s repent and ask for forgiveness of weakness we each face within.

Don’t heed the hypocrites, just listen to our hearts.
Remember in the final days, the wicked fall apart.
Don’t be a hypocrite or fraud, hold tight unto the iron rod.
This is the only way to live again with our God.

(Parleigh and her grandpa Bob taken a few years ago)


Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

3 thoughts to “Hypocrisy”

  1. It’s so easy to judge other people. I’ve learned that most things you can judge other people for you can probably judge yourself for as well. Probably more productive all around to focus on self reflection. What a cute picture, btw!

  2. I’m trying to be like Jesus, a long way to go. The carnal nature always wants to take over. I like that song, One day at a time sweet Jesus, that’s all I’m asking of you! Lord help me today show me the way one day at a time. I enjoy your poetry.

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