Waiting is an Art

I so often get over-scheduled. Some days there is just no way to finish the list, so I try to go fast and push myself. Mostly, I do not enjoy what I’m doing. I’m just hoping that someday it will all slow down, so I can too. Then I get impatient, because, others, of coarse, aren’t doing stuff as important as I am. Waiting becomes really unbearable…waiting for traffic lights, waiting for people to finish their sentences and ideas, waiting in a grocery line…the list goes on and on. Do you feel pushed like this too? It’s been a busy week. My posts have been sporadic over the last few weeks, I know. Does anybody really read this? Hello, out there! I’d love your comments, more than you’ll ever know.

Waiting is an art, you know,
Some do it fast, some do it slow.
Some wait in silent, thoughtful bliss,
Some hate each moment, life slows their test.
At such a time, how do you go?
In frustration, or patience flow?



Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

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