A Place of Endless Miracles

Busy, busy, busy. Life can be that way. There are so many things competing for our attention. It’s not enough to just try to choose what we think is good for us. There are too many things that are ‘good for us’. Days and weeks and months and years and decades can pass by, filled with a never-ending list of things we feel we need to do. I’m reminded of a painting done by Norman Rockwell. Pictured is a large cathedral placed on a busy street in a large city. The pastor is placing a theme/challenge to the congregation “Lift Up Thine Eyes”. But there are many people walking by the church, all of whom have their eyes down toward the ground. Busy, busy, busy. No one looks up to see the beautiful white doves flying skyward. I believe the painting is entitled “Look Up”. So, we too, are often to busy to pause and appreciate the wonderful gifts of God all around us. That’s what this poem is all about.

A place of endless miracles is here for all to see.
It’s found before life’s problems, and calls to you and me.
It lifts us on the wings of praise, beyond all earthly woe.
The key is simple: Gratitude within each humble soul.

In this world of man’s making, where pollution’s pride reigns king,
Where successes sirens call us to selfishness and greed,
Where lust reigns in vanity and sin steals our soul,
Help us be in, not of, that world where God’s truth doesn’t grow.

Help us each day to see God’s beauty that flows through each new dawn,
Unto eve, when stars appear as night comes rolling on.
The moon reflects the Son’s light over land, sky and sea.
Thank the lord for miracles. Please set our spirits free.

Only Grace is able to lift us up above.
Man’s inhumanity distracts us from God’s love.
Help us to truly see with eyes, ears, heart and mind.
Dear Lord, Show us Thy living miracles, so we will not be blind.



Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

One thought to “A Place of Endless Miracles”

  1. Truly one of life’s miracles. The Tetons and Yellowstone – probably my favorite place to be in the world, thanks to both you of showing me it’s magic more than once.

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