My Best Friend

Last night Pop beat me at Gin Rummy,
The usual ending of our games.
I said good-night, and things seemed right,
‘Till that dreadful morning came.
My best friend, he just died,
And I cried for my best friend.
Life will go on, though he’s gone,
He’ll always be my best friend.
Remembering things we used to do,
Troubled times he led me through.
Dear God, what am I to do,
To show my love is true?
The things he’s done help me to see
The kind of life for me.
Dear God, give me the strength to do
The things Dad likes me to.
My best friend, he just died,
And I cried for my best friend.
Life will go on, though he’s gone,
He’ll always be my best friend.

Let this serve as a tribute to all fathers, everywhere, who invest their time, efforts, patience and kindness to their family. They are the truly great men of our time. Thanks to our Dads, husbands and Grandpas.



Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

One thought to “My Best Friend”

  1. I wish I could have met my Grandpa Morris. When I look at some of the pictures I’ve seen, stories and things he wrote, I can see a lot of him in you, Dad. And I bet he was a creative, passionate and loving man like you are.

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