Wealth is Health

The new year seems to always bring with it the stigma of useless resolutions, which are never realized, and only serve to make us feel guilty. I think we’ve all felt that, but abandoning goals to help us change usually results in no change at all. I think reachable goals ought to be set throughout the whole year. I’m interested in comments of how you have made them work for you. Last year Bob and I resolved to eat in a more healthy manner. We did make some progress, but also found it was so easy to slip back into old delicious habits. Now we know where our true weaknesses are! And we are committed to try again, but smarter. This poem is what we wrote last year, and it refers to an accountablility quiz we took at the end of each week to track our progress toward our goal:

The wealth is health test is a tool we can use
To help us remember good habits that we choose.
To overcome bad habits forged strong through the years
Can the power of repentance lift us from our fears?

Appetites are based on us; what we desire, we crave.
Our choices lead us into light, or to a dark cold grave.
Changing lusts to healthy goals can help us overcome
To gain health and wealth, use this test, and walk toward the Son.



Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

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