
Time while on this Earth is always flowing in multi-colored dimensions, and always passing and ever changing, ever growing. In this life each moment and second of time are never the same….

Our last post referred to a Youtube 1964 video entitled “Man’s Search for Happiness”. This video presents a concept of ‘time’ unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

“For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors.” Alma 34:32 (in the Book of Mormon).

In times past I’ve often been pacified by thinking that I have lots of time to do whatever I need or want to do, but when I turned 60, my thinking changed as I realized that I was now that ‘older generation’. Time became a more treasured commodity! And now I see that with each passing year, we are less able to do what we used to do in the same amount of time, which only makes time more precious.

A few weeks ago my son’s family (including 5 kids) came for a visit. My knees were unusually painful, and I realized that I simply could not do what I used to do, and that it would take more TIME to do everything now. Stress. So, I formulated a plan. A plan to make better use of time. Instead of running around trying to clean up and fix meals and do dishes, I would look for opportunities to talk one-on-one with the grandkids. To really listen, and to ignore the trivial housework that I knew would nag me. Well, it worked pretty well. I was able to slow down and found my grandkids quite delightful and entertaining.

In the before mentioned youtube, the question is asked, “Time, where does it take me?” And I ask myself how do I spend my time? It’s so easy to be bossed by our self-made lists, and then to be shocked at the end of the day that we didn’t get it all done. I am trying to take time each morning to evaluate what things are most needful for that day, and especially try to think of people and their needs and to put them at the top of my list as the most needful. Often, I am impressed by the spirit to think of someone or something….all in an attempt to have quality time rather than empty time.

Bob recently wrote this: TAKE TIME

Take time to see a rainbow or to watch a butterfly.
Take time to help another soul who has something in their eye.
Take time to watch a sunrise, or sunset on each new day.
Take time to tank the Lord for everything that comes our way.

Take time to thank our Mother for all her tender care.
Take time to thank our Father for his work and being there.
Take time upon each Sabbath Day to take the Sacrament.
Take time each precious day to thank those who pay the rent!

Time is always on the move as we circle around God's Son,
From dawn to eve, we each can see the things that we have done.
At work or play, in war or peace, on land, in air or sea,
We each can choose to use or waste times precious quantity.

Some choose to the pursuit of riches they can gain,
While others seek for higher goals than worldly, selfish fame,
Like love of wife and family within God's eternal plan.
Those who truly seek this goal will understand.

Time is a gift more precious than the riches we can gain.
Greed poisons each person's souls and kills our heart and brain.
We loose the ability to see God's wondrous earth,
As all life flows, sings and grows for those who seek true worth.

Through work and play, Lord teach us love.  Give us eyes to see
And ears that hear another's woes, and a heart both warm and free,
That we may use our time as service we do bring
To love and serve each other, that in time spent, joy will sing.

As always, a great treasure of media can be found on churchofjesuschrist.org


Born in southern Idaho. Attended Brigham Young University. Worked as a transfusion service medical technologist at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah for 45 years. Married Robert & have 3 children, 7 grandchildren.

One thought to “Time”

  1. I find myself sad when I look at videos and pictures of Roland just a year or two ago or even pictures of our family as a teen or of josh and me years ago. All of those reflections make me think of the things I did that I wish I could have done differently to be nicer or better. It’s prob good to remind ourselves daily that we never really know how much time we have with those that we love. We may not be able to live each day like it’s the last, but i can at least put my phone away and make kindness and connection the priority.

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