On Restoring an Old Photograph

I’ve been thinking of how quickly time slips away, leaving us surprised that our children are no longer babies, and, in fact, have babies of their own! This poem was written by my Aunt, Sherrel Burgoyne:

An old photo
lovingly folded in a apron pocket
cared for too much
looked at too often

until the creases of love
became cracks
and try as I tried
I cannot restore

child of joy
splashing in water and sun
I want to believe
every day on this earth was happy
every dream that you dreamed came true
laughter and love followed your life

where did you go
did you slip into one of the cracks?


Let Go

Several events over the last week have led me to the thought of “Letting go.” A friend of mine was blind-sided with the death of her husband, who is younger than me. As I put myself in her place, I realized how fortunate I am to have the companionship of a husband, even if it’s just sitting side by side watching tv. Think about it: How often during the day do you rely upon interaction with your spouse? Just knowing someone is there is priceless. It must be really difficult to let go of that season in your life.

On a note (not quite so somber as the last)…my grandchildren. Before they moved out of state, lived roughly a mile from our home. In 5 minutes, I could be there. In many ways, they depended on that. I drove them to school. They came by the house after school and I drove them home; sometimes stopping a McDonald’s if they hated school lunch that day. They were a big part of my time and life. And then they moved. 3 l/2 hours away. It left a hole that I still struggle to stop tripping over; and that hole was really big last week when they started school…a new school. I wanted so badly to be there and do whatever Grandmas do to make things better, or, at least to think you’ve made things better. It’s painful. I worried. I prayed. I fasted. I worried, and then I worried again. Then they got sick, and some had to miss school. I realized that I had to ‘let go’, just like I did before when they left.

I remember those days. I’d sit in the car and play the Mormon Tabernacle Choir verse of ‘How Firm a Foundation’…feeling the words: “Fear not, I am with thee, Oh, be not dismayed, for I am thy God and will still give thee aid. I’ll strengthen thee, help thee and cause thee to stand….” I’d play it loud and could almost imagine heavenly help descending upon me, not just from God, but from dear ones now departed who also cared deeply.

I have often confused control with security. Let go. Let go.

The frosty autumn nights
Bid the tree (glorious and alive)
Let go their precious golden leaves
That in days past, bid them survive.

In spring, the fledgling bird will grow
Now the mother tries her best
To prod it from the nest.
Let go.

We hold our babies close,
And treasure every show.
They now seek new horizons,
And we painfully,
Let go.

Our beloved ones, we cherish
And the winds of age do blow
Now they pass thru death’s door,
As our hearts are broken,
And we let go.

But hearts are healed
When we come to know,
A loving Father,
Will never
Let go.

This short video below helps me to let go. It helps me to trade fear for faith, and helps me remember that, even though I will be required to let go, I can be confident that God will never let go of me.


In The Quiet of the Night

In the quiet of the night, when most are asleep,
I wake from my slumber and rise to my feet.
I go to a place and listen to my soul,
And peace within me does slowly grow.

I pray in the silence for guidance from above,
For protection from Satan, by God’s wondrous love,
For protection from my own thoughts and all life’s vanity,
That I may hear the sweet spirit, that can set my soul free.

Then I end this humble prayer, in the name of God’s Son,
And pray for ears to hear and heart to feel, the Holy One.
Then my mind and my spirit are prepared to receive.
I write down the feelings that come to those who believe.

The message of Christ’s love, I’ve been given today,
Is to turn to the Father, and He will teach us to pray.
The Holy Ghost waits to guide us, who search for the light,
And faith, hope and charity come to all, who seek with heart, mind & might.

The following link is a 4-minute personal story of the power of prayer.

You may have noticed that some of the poems on this site have the words, “dictations of the spirit”. That’s what Bob calls his inspiration in the early morning hours, when most of the poems are written. As described above, he prays to have his mind cleared and then listens for words, and the poems flow with much more ease than when this inspiration is not sought for, or listened to.

We believe one of the greatest challenges is to be able to discern the answers to prayers. We would love to hear stories from you concerning this subject, and your successes and failures, and advice. Your appropriate comments are always welcome.

Inspiration Comes

When we look unto Jesus Christ; to His wondrous redeeming love,
Look for a quiet, secluded place, and ask for guidance from above.
Inspiration comes when our hearts and minds are still,
And our worries are replaced by our Lord’s sweet peaceful will.

Pray for Christ’s pure and honest grace to protect us so we may be
Free from Satan’s wiles and wrong thoughts, poisoned by our own insanity.
Ask God for ears and eyes to hear and see, and a heart to understand,
Then listen with a child-like faith, with broken heart and contrite hands.

Ask God to clear our mind and heart, to hear His sacred word,
Then listen with a humble soul and write what we have heard.
Life’s trials come with many parts we just don’t understand.
Our Father wants to enlighten us to His eternal plan….

Of light and life, hope and truth, happiness and peace,
Of wisdom beyond all our thoughts, that we may each increase.
It matters not our circumstance, in war’s hell, or in peace,
When humbled with a child-like faith, Christ’s light will increase.

I think the biggest roadblock to our receiving guidance and inspiration from the Holy Ghost, is distraction. There are so many things. Things to do, things to see, things to entertain us, things to do around the house. Many of these things are needful and should not be ignored, but I think perhaps we loose the ability to filter out the needful things from the ones that simply fill up time.

My mind goes back to the account in scripture where Jesus is visiting the home of Mary and Martha. Martha is busy doing those things that we all do when we have guests: fixing meals, cleaning up…but, Mary chooses to engage in a conversation with Jesus. Martha notices this, and asks Mary to help her with her ‘tasks’. This story, I can really relate to. then Jesus kindly rebukes Martha saying, “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things. But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42

Are we able to recognize a precious moment and drop whatever we are doing to capture it before it’s gone?
Do we practice the ability to evaluate our activities?
Can we spot the time-wasters?
Can we identify those that have the potential of improving us in some way?
So we often look beyond ourselves to see the needs of others?…And do something about it?

Now, back to the poem…Like Mary, do we seek the things that build us? Do we stop long enough to see the ‘big picture’?
And to realize that life offers us peace and joy and contentment, IF WE SEEK IT.
IF WE ARE ABLE TO TURN OFF THE TV, STOP THE GAME, and spend some time fine tuning our lives by inspiration from Him who knows exactly how to make our lives more meaningful, peaceful and happy.

“Be still, and know that I am God..” (Psalm 46:10, D&C 101:16)
The following link is 58 second thought on stillness and revelation:

When Changes Come

Recently I came to know of a pending divorce in our family. Those most close to the couple expressed the hurtful feelings. Anger, fear and heartache are companions to a failing family. Divorce hits at the very roots of all that which brings us happiness. I have reflected upon the good fortune of having a companion. Our activities, both daily and others which require more planning, such as vacations, are richer when shared. What do we do when we see or experience something grand, or beautiful, or delightful? We seek to share with someone else. Somehow, this enhances the experience for me. When I look at my vacation photos, it’s just not a whole lot of fun to do it alone. And when I reflect upon what makes me happy, it usually involves family. There is a real power and bond there, and when it is broken, we are cut off from that which is intended to bring happiness.

How sad that it is such a common thing. What can we do to protect ourselves from falling victim? What makes some marriages so successful, and others not so?

When changes come, are they bad, or could they help us grow,
Through life’s storms and troubled tests, we feel for those we know.
When death comes with saddened eyes, we feel for those we love,
When sickness comes we long for days when health smiled from above.

When changes come, we try to cope, no matter what they are.
Through each trial, we each must strive to reach our own star.
When our journey brings us to an unfamiliar place,
We have a chance to start anew, within life’s fleeting race.

When changes come, we each must try, our best to grow,
To strive for greater knowledge, God’s wisdom helps us know.
For within each changing moment, we can become more whole.
For changes are tools that mold us within life’s wondrous show.



I’m finally getting around to putting together a scrapbook of our cruise to Alaska last month. On the cruise, Bob would get up early, as he always does, and go up to where he could watch the water and coastline. Here he would pen a poem for each day, and I have included the verses that deal with our fjord cruising of the Sawyer Glacier just south of Juneau. The views were 100% gorgeous, as you will see in the photos below.

As we take the inside passage
We watch life in every move.
Then on we sail up the fjords
Within the glacier’s ancient groove.

We arrive in eyesight of the glacier
Where ice has blocked our way,
So our captain takes us west to
A narrow fjord today.

We sail to the glacier’s western arm up this narrow pass,
The captain stops the ship near, as we look and gasp!!
Then turned that giant ship around
Smooth and slow as another hour passed.

Pioneer Day

Yesterday in church our kids enacted a 30-minute pioneer trek, complete with covered wagon, bonnets, neckerchiefs,taffy, horehound, berries, buffalo chips, homemade butter and rolls, and a snake. My mind did wander back to my great grandmother, Sara Jane Richards Perkins, who left wales as a young woman, leaving family and friends, and ending up here in Magna, or Pleasant Green, as it was called then. Our lives are built upon the hard work of those ambitious faithful people. And so, as we celebrate pioneer day (July 24, 1847 being the day they entered the Salt Lake Valley), I will be grateful for, running water, shelter, food, shade, health care, comfortable shoes, beds and toilets.


It Will All Work Out

I am a very controlling person. I have to plan. I have to see a way. I have to know how it will all go. I suppose that’s ok for a holiday party, or something that is controllable, but, I know we all live in a world where very little is under our direction. We do not know what lies ahead, and we cannot force or control people or events. Trying to do so produces a lot of stress. I think that perhaps it is a lack of faith and trust….an inability to take some steps into the dark, not knowing where they lead. I can live quite well like this when things are going well, as planned, BUT, when the future seems uncertain or scary or threatening, that’s when the stress kicks in. This short video is very applicable to me; one that I hope I can internalize for a more peaceful and happy life.


Do Unto Others

When I read of Jesus as more than a man,
Who lived in, and walked on the deserts of sand,
Who suffered in silence in Gethsemane,
His atoning blood shed for you and for me,
Then hung on the cross and finally died,
“How can I repay Him,” I asked as I cried?
How can all my tears and my sorrow compare
To the grief and the suffering He felt and saw there?
How can I express to Him how much I care?
What could I have done when I wasn’t there?
How can I comfort my Savior in grief?
What can I do to give Him relief?
For all this occured years and eons ago,
My birth, It has been 2000 years slow.
Oh Jesus, please let me show you my love,
Although you now dwell in some sphere above.
Then a small voice within me did say,
“Do unto others and do it today.”


Matthew 25:40

To Bob, My Husband

The name of this poem is really, “To Jeanne, My Wife”, but I selected it for today and re-directed the message to husbands, since Father’s Day was yesterday, and, perhaps we are still thinking of fathers:

Love is a flower that grows from a seed,
One feeds love with kindness in each little deed.
When trials confront us, together we stand,
Love grows to oneness, heart to heart, hand in hand.
When two stand together, they’re stronger than one.
Like two blooming flowers that thrive in the sun.
Soon buds gather ’round them, together to grow,
A family eternal in life’s living show.
My dearest, I love you more every day,
With each passing moment, words seldom say,
For feelings grow past words in so many ways.
You are my best friend, forever, today.
