Forgotten Song

This has certainly been a time of an increased show of sentiment for Mothers! Family is such a powerful little group of people. Our happiness is so very tied up in the welfare of each member, and when we take the time to reflect on what we mean to each other, it is usually an emotional experience. I’m glad we take the time to do that. Being a mother is truly a supremely difficult job. My heart goes out to those who struggle with balancing family and job, and everything else that goes with life. I felt that conflict when my children were very young, and I struggled to become a song-writer.

The fleeting song was being passed from anxious heart to pen,
But the solitude was broken when chubby hands pressed in.
My thoughts were lost by curious whys.
Muffled chords were all I heard.
My toddler needed drinks and demanded an approving word.
And, in the end, I’m sad to say, the song was gone–
Unwritten and forgotten.
I felt a loss, as of a parting friend who gives no promise of return.
Perhaps the time just isn’t now for serene creative days.
No time to shape the feelings into prose or song today.
For now’s the time for gathering and storing feelings in the heart.
The day will come when silent days will release the pent-up song with uninterrupted art.
And I will talk of days gone by,
And wish for chubby hands now gone,
And miss the constant why and wheres that often stopped my song.
Oh may I see the season now as one for storing in,
That when the season comes to share, there may be something there.

A Light House

Let’s make ourselves a light house for all lost souls to see.
Our homes can radiate God’s love and set our spirits free.
Each child can share this wondrous live with friends and family.
Grand kids touch us with their light and make our lives happy.

We each can charge our inner lights, each and every day
Prayers and study of God’s words help us grow in truth’s way.
The Sabbath’s Holy sacrament helps Christ’s pure light to shine.
As we repent of all our sins, Christ helps us to refine.

Our homes will radiate with love as our lights chase hate away.
Our souls will fill with charity as we serve, fast and pray.
Let your light so shine before others, so they can see Christ’s love.
Then others will feel the pure joy that comes from up above.


Not long ago we visited family in Idaho. Bob and Parleigh (12) did some intense poetry creations. One subject they explored was that of hypocrisy. I suppose that a hypocrite is one whose outside does not match their inside. The opposite might be someone that you can look at and pretty much know who they are inside? The world would be a better place if everybody was like that. I’d like to hear your definition of hypocrisy. The dictionary says, “the practice of expressing feelings, beliefs, or virtues one does not hold or posses.” Anyway, Bob and Parleigh both worked on the whole poem. Parleigh helped to edit all of it and the last verse is entirely her creation. Way to go, Parleigh!

Hypocrisy is a word most souls try not to deserve.
We fall unto it’s evil power when we pretend to serve.
Watch what’s within our own eyes, when we tell others of their sin.
Only when we see clearly, can we help another win.

We each must learn to look within and pray for light above,
That Jesus in His perfect light will guide us with His love.
That we may be worthy of the Holy Ghost to speak peace to our soul
And guide us to truth and light, that we may choose to grow.

A hypocrite knows what is right, but lies or does not speak
For truth and light, then deep inside life’s fear makes us weak.
Only when we stand firm for Christ will He stand firm for us.
Help us to honor our sacred King and grow in Christ’s pure trust.

Let’s strive to be free from hypocrisy with mind, soul, and heart,
And through our Savior’s perfect love, let’s become more pure in heart.
And when we find hypocrisy is slowly creeping in,
Let’s repent and ask for forgiveness of weakness we each face within.

Don’t heed the hypocrites, just listen to our hearts.
Remember in the final days, the wicked fall apart.
Don’t be a hypocrite or fraud, hold tight unto the iron rod.
This is the only way to live again with our God.

(Parleigh and her grandpa Bob taken a few years ago)

Be Careful of Pride

I’ve been listening to the 187th General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You can listen too from I’ve noticed an obvious general theme of being respectful to all people. That advise comes at an appropriate time in our politically angered times. Elder Renlund, a Saturday morning speaker, was very direct about this. Closely aligned with this theme is the enemy of ‘Pride’. So often that precedes our persecution or aversion to individuals or groups of people. I have included 2 poems below. It will look like one poem, but I ran the two together.

Don’t become ‘puffed up’ or proud in who we think we are.
Only those who humbly serve will ever find truth’s star.
Be friends unto those we meet. Respect their agency.
Only when we love each other can we grow truly free.
Be careful of worldly pride, in knowledge, possessions or fame.
Vanity leads us from true charity, unto a world of pain.
Only those who humbly seek will ever truly find,
That service to the poor and weak give us true peace of mind.

Love the Children

I have recently been working with a woman who is president of a children’s organization in our church. She has been a real inspiration to me because she is passionate and unyielding when it comes to children. She wants everyone who works with her to love the children, and to want to show that love. She is a great example. You can feel the love she has for every one of the children, even those that are not very easy to love. This poem is dedicated to her:

Love the children no matter what may come our way.
Our Lord’s pure charity is what we must seek every night and day.
Only by prayerful service can we share our Lord’s pure love.
Love the children in every way. Teach them of God above.


Over the past few months I have noticed a dramatic increase in hostility among us, as a nation. It seems that the differences between us are wider and deeper, and that there is no longer the desire to reconcile. Compassion and good-will are left behind and replaced with intolerance and hate. We noticed a bumper sticker the other day: “Be The Good”. Have the listening ear. Hear a different point of view. Don’t be so quick to judge. Respect the rights of others. Try our best to do our part in making this world a better place.

Words well chosen can heal a troubled mind.
Words spoke in anger can hurt, maim, or blind.
I’ll choose my words in prayerful thought,
Through all life’s troubled sea.
Kind words can lead a soul to love,
Through hate’s insanity.
Kind words can change illusions
To be both warm and free.
The souls who masters words, My Friend,
Will taste tranquility.

Ooops..sorry, I just realized that we already posted this poem in early January…Oh, well, I think we need a second dose!

Love the Children

Love the children, no matter what may come our way.
Our Lord’s pure charity is what we must seek each night and day.
Only by prayerful service can we share our Lord’s pure love.
Love the children in every way. Teach them of God above.

Children are such a blessing, and often a sore trial. How quickly we sometimes justify brushing them aside because we are tired of being bothered. There is more distance (physical) between me and my grand children, and it has helped me to treasure the time I do have to spend with them.


Yesterday our grand daughter shared a thought with us. We were looking at a wall full of family pictures, and she made the observation that each photo paints a memory with so many layers that you have to look deeper to find the whole story.

The Umbrella

In the October 2014 Semi-annual general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, President Dieter F Uchtdorf, the second counselor, delivered an address that was so impressive to me, that I did a painting to remind myself of the principle he illustrated that day. The painting is shown below, and a piece of his message is quoted here: “We imagine that God has all of his blessings locked in a huge cloud up in heaven, refusing to give them to us unless we comply with some strict, paternalistic requirements he has set up. But the commandments aren’t like that at all. In reality, Heavenly Father is constantly raining blessings upon us. It is our fear, doubt, and sin that, like an umbrella, block these blessings from reaching us. His commandments are the loving instructions and the divine help for us to close the umbrella so we can receive the shower of heavenly blessings.” The entire speech is available at, which is an incredible source of timeless information. The title of his message is “Living the Gospel Joyfully”.


We spent the weekend joining with family in my childhood hometown for the burial of my uncle. I became re-acquainted with cousins that I had not seen in decades. I was impressed with the love and thoughtfulness exhibited repeatedly this weekend. Because of that, we can feel safe within our families, and our love grows stronger. Even though we have all gone our separate ways, and the roads we have traveled have been unique, there is still a bond of family that transcends all. I was grateful to have felt that this weekend.

Thoughtfulness is a spiritual strength that builds a happy home.
When we each think of others first, then our loyalty will not roam.
Thoughtfulness endears us to each other as we grow.
Thoughtfulness and prayerfulness increases love and makes us whole.

(One of the 1957 photos shared)