
Our words should never careless be.
They carry power we do not see.
But, if that power can devastate,
It can also liberate!

How do I know words are powerful? When I was a youth of maybe 13-14–a very awkward and gawky age for me, my dear Aunt Gwen came for a visit. As we conversed casually, she told me that I had beautiful hands. No one had ever said that to me, and she was serious about her observation. She even said that my hands could be photographed for magazine ads about hand cream, or whatever. Simple statement. Powerful? Yes, I remember those words even 60 years later, and recall that I have often reflected on them, and somehow, no matter how unlovely I ever felt in the past, those words told me again and again that I was special; that I was worthwhile; that someone saw good and beauty in me. What a powerful little statement. Do we ever tell our children, grandchildren, spouses, or friends something good that we see in them? Think about it. It could change someone’s life for the better.

On the other hand. I remember, as a youth again, standing at the kitchen sink, when one of my cousins made the observation that my profile looked like an Indian. Innocent comment. Nothing to feel bad about, but it made me extremely self conscious of my profile appearance, and, to this day, I don’t like my profile to be photographed! We can all be unreasonably sensitive, and quick to read something in a comment that was never intended.

See churchofjesuschrist.org

The Greatest Gift

Last Sunday was, not only Father’s Day, but also our 47th Wedding Anniversary! We feasted on old wedding photos, and stepped back 4 decades through delightful photographs of our own 3 babies, and watched them grow again. What a delight they were, and what a blessing they now are. Back in 1974, we wondered what our family would look like….girls? boys? how many? what would they look like? what kind of people would they become? And, now, we know. How delighted we would have been back then. Our lives have been built upon each other…we’ve all added threads to our family tapestry, and those blend so well and make a precious picture.

And to have a partner through it all…a buddy. That’s like having your cake and eating it too! He has been my trusted ‘side-kick’ for so long that I don’t function well without him.

The greatest gift God gives us, is a mate forever more.
You help us to find our way, through each trial of each closed door.
Our first trial is our family; God helps us from above.
You always strive your best to serve in God's sweet love.

Let us strive with heart & mind, body & soul.
Help us live worthy to be blessed that we will forever grow,
Serving Christ & God in perfect love, in pure joy eternally.
Join God's family of perfect love forever, together, pure & free.

From two to fifteen!

One of the best places to find thoughts and stories to help strengthen families is: www.churchofjesuschrist.org

Check it out…and send me a comment about your family, whether it be 1 or 100. How are you blessed by your family?


We watched a movie the other night about transplants. They always perk my interest because of my work in transfusion. I was part of many heart and liver transplants, but they were never very personal for my until the young donor’s heart went to his ailing grandfather, a gentleman known to my parents. And so the personal details had a powerful impact upon me, for both donors and recipients. In the movie, a young man suddenly died, giving organs to 9 recipients. The movie focused on the one receiving a lung transplant, and powerfully portrayed the gratitude for such a gift of life. On the other side, the grief of the family who lost their son was heartbreaking. One of the closing remarks spoken by the father to the lung recipient was a request–before the day ends, call someone (family, husband, wife, brother, sister, friend) and tell them how much you love them without attaching advice or any plea for improvement….just tell them that you love them for who they are.

This poem expresses such sentiments:

Don't wait to see a sunrise, or hold a child that cries.
Don't wait to see a sunset, or help a friend get by.
Don't wait to look for beauty wherever it may be.
Don't wait to tell my mate how much you mean to me.

Don't wait to smell a rose, or watch a storm-tossed sea.
Don't wait to see the glory throughout eternity.
Don't wait to look for wisdom that comes by every trial.
Don't wait to look for the miracles in every babies smile.

There is a wealth of good posts to be found at churchofjesuschrist.org, formerly known as lds.org…check it out.