
I will entitle this entry as “Eden” because I feel I have been to the Garden of Eden last week. My daughter and I took a trip to Carmel-by-the-sea, visiting the coastline, Monterey Aquarium, Point Lobos, and the enchanting downtown Carmel with never-to-be-forgotten gift shops, and dining that was most memorable and also tasty.

I was going to write a poem about it; something to catch the wonder, the fresh sea breezes, the vivid and wild ocean, the amazing creatures, and so much more….but all I could think of was the words to the hymn, “O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy pow’r throughout the universe displayed…..when thru the woods and forest glades I wander, and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees, When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur, and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze….Then sings my soul, my Savior, God, to thee, How great the art! How great thou art!

All that is around us testifies that we are His children and that He blesses us with His love, if we will but listen and look.

Boy in the Red Jacket

This posted poem is contributed by a guest writer, my daughter, Eve. My thoughts so often turn to my children and grandchildren with reflections on how fast time takes them from me. Several of my previous posts have been focused on that very sentiment, and, the older I get, the deeper I feel the distance, and the more I ache to gather them all in an everlasting embrace. As I look through old photographs of when my kids were babies or grade school age, I see images that verily suck me back in time and place to some spot to briefly see and feel it all over again. I can still see myself checking to see if they’ve fallen asleep, or I can see them all packed into a vehicle on the road to some anticipated vacation. I see them playing in the house, and chuckle again at the super hero costumes that often accompanied that play. I see Sunday tents in the living room, and bunnies and puppies in the back yard. I see a LIFE made of photographs. What follows is written by Eve Richardson:

James and I took a walk tonight. The last night of spring break. But sometimes, when I slow down enough it seems like more than winter is coming to an end. More like an era might be closing. Here am I–holding onto the past, trying to embrace the future. Always more useful in retrospect than in the moment.

Boy in the Red Jacket
running, running, running
winter at your back
as you sprint into spring

"Time me Mama!"
How fast you traverse each corner
my watch is broken
or is it my heart?
all these seconds--slipping away

Boy in the red jacket
running, running, running
short legs, pumping
looking back--to make sure I'm still there

You run so fast
I want to keep up 
but I can't
the corner, always on the horizon
I'm here, still here, always here

Boy in the red jacket
Thief of my heart
I look forward--to make sure you're still there
the sun is setting
that odd, enchanting quality of light
I'll see you there--forever.

This image was posted here on 20 November 2017. It’s called “Into the Woods” and is a painting of my six grandchildren moving forward, so fast!


Drifting on the Sea of Life is such a risky thing.
Without a  chart & compass, the rocks & reefs of life can sting.
The treacherous waves await us, with every wind that blows.
The sirens of lies & deceit can blind our troubled souls,

Confusing truths direction, depending on our goal.
Without a map & compass to God's light, how can we know
A safe & clear, proven coarse, upon life's troubled sea,
Unto that safe, sure harbor, awaiting you and me?

There is a perfect captain, who calls to every soul,
Across the endless waves of time & space to help us grow.
His motive is our welfare.  He guides us from on high
To bring us safely home to Christ's harbor, if we will serve and try.

He gives us charts and maps to guide post rocks and hidden reefs.
His compass is the scriptures;  prayer calls Him to our relief
Past rocks of sorrow & tears, and reefs of hidden deceit,
Unto the peaceful harbor, where life becomes more pure and sweet.

I've done my share of drifting, with no set place to go.
I've sailed through deep depression of body, mind and soul.
I've wrecked upon the rocks & reefs of pride's dark vanity.
I felt the emptiness, as my sins washed over me.

I called unto my Master:  "Please help my sin-torn life!"
He reached his hand beneath life's waves, as I drowned in my strife.
He guided me to others, who understood life's maze.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints teaches of His ways.

Past all the rocks & hidden reefs, as we follow the Holy Son
Through storms of all our trials, Christ helps us work as one.

The above link will open a file to hear the song “Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me.”