Forgotten Love

We all have good intentions–to get acquainted with a new neighbor–send a card of sympathy–pay an old friend a visit—tell somebody you love them–stop and listen with your heart. Too often I go to bed at night, having done nothing thoughtful for someone else. Didn’t cheer up anyone. Didn’t hug anybody. Made no phone calls…didn’t even send little text. The more I neglect to do this, the more dissatisfied I feel, and, the more I do it, the more peace I feel. I’d like to live each day with no regrets.

Yesterday’s words of comfort,
Why are they left unsaid?
Yesterdays’s words of gratitude
That never leave your head.
Tomorrow’s trials will surely come,
Then let’s express this day
The feelings and emotions
That come through work and play.
For kindness never leaves us cold,
But warms each new today,
For words of love and comfort
Make firm tomorrow’s way.



Yesterday, being 9/11, my thoughts turned to the terrorist events of that day 15 years ago. I found that I have a difficult time understanding the hate that is so evident in our world today. The lack of compassion. The disregard for life. It saddens me to know of all the sadness brought into the lives of so many families. I love the words so often spoke by our savior to love one another.

Hate is a destroyer of all we hold most dear.
Forgiveness is the healing balm that overcomes hate and fear.



Bob wrote this one long ago, before i-pads and video games, and cell phones. They could be added also. I think that perhaps we could call our day successful if we have actually spoken, face to face, with another human; the kind of thing where they talk and we listen, and then we talk and they listen; and we look at each other; and we live in the present. Anybody else agree?

See how they laugh
See how they cry
See how they live
See how they die.
While I become a vegetable
With an eye.
