
These last few weeks have been very stressful to me. My son and family, who live 1.5 miles away, are moving out of state…probably next week. Buying and selling homes should not be this hard, complicated, or frustrating. The closing date keeps shifting, and requirements keep popping up. I like to feel in control. I find security in that, and when events cannot be planned, it explodes my brain and clicks on the ‘worry’ switch. I really do hope that someday I will look back on this time and tell myself that there was no reason to fret. Then there is the component of missing the grand kids, who I now see on a daily basis. Put all that into a pot, and I’m a bundle of stress. I really do need to make each encounter/visit meaningful, not just because they’re leaving, but to make it a part of what I do all the time. Make memories.

The things we do together
Store memories in the heart
Remaining there to be
Called up when we’re apart.
To remind us of the
Love we shared
In days now in our past.
They weld our love together
With a bond to always last.

Tell me what you do to keep in touch with loved ones, especially the little ones.


Worry and Fear

I’ve been fretting over changes looming in the family. I don’t do well with change, whether it is good or bad changes. I like things just the way they are! My son and family (5 of my 6 grand kids) will be moving 3 1/2 hours away. In the grand scheme of things, this really is not a big problem, in fact, it is probably a blessing. But I can count thousands of questions, problems and fears, none of which I can quite get a ‘handle’ on. My feelings have all been turned up-side-down, and sorting them is really painful.

I lay in bed at night, awake.
I count the many ways
That life can deal a deadly blow,
And fear creeps in my mind, uninvited.
I search for ways to make things right,
But always come up short.
Sometimes solutions just aren’t clear,
And, hard as it can be,
I need to trust that God, in time,
Will make all right and clear.


My Old Friend Pain

Over the last 3-4 weeks, my back has been quite painful. I finally gave in and went to a physical therapist, who has helped restore mobility and reduce the pain levels to where I can resume my normal activities. It seems that I never really appreciate health until I’m hurt or sick. This poem was written years ago when Bob broke his back. It deals with pain as a warning sign. I am wondering how people deal with chronic pain, day after day, year after year.


Each day I live you come to me,
Almost always by surprise.
You have no thought of decency,
From my tip-toes to my eyes.
Sometimes you stay just a little while,
Other times you stay too long.
And when you do, you sing to me, a very painful song.
But, dear old friend, thank God for you,
For without your warning signs,
I would not know and could not know
Those injuries of mine.
And I would probably bleed to death,
Or something just as bad,
If you weren’t there to counsel me
By helping me feel bad.
So, my dear friend, thank God for you
Just one more time.
‘Cause when you’re gone, and I feel good,
That feeling is sublime!
