
The over-riding topic of recent days has been the school shooting in Florida. There is an overwhelming frustration and exasperation with the seeming inability to be able to predict and/or stop them from their ever increasing occurance. I read a blog this morning that rings true to me. The solution lies in all of us noticing and reaching out to individuals who are found on that downward spiral of isolation. Engaging them and reaching out can be, and usually is most terribly uncomfortable, and, hence, rarely done. Perhaps we could all widen our scope a little. We can be a little braver; we can all care just a little more.

Within our circle of friends
We feel both safe and sure.
We share our love with those most dear
Each and every morn.
But when we leave our own friends and family,
We find a world of strangers
All clad in mystery.
And in a world of swollen fears
And cold reality,
A mother holds her baby near
In anxiety.
For who knows where the danger lies;
The seen or the unseen?
What monster hides behind the eyes
Of someone’s twisted schemes?
And I refrain from talking to
A child I find alone.
For paranoia touches all;
The babe to the full grown.
How can I control my fear
When hate appears so strong?
I’d sing a fearful song
And life would be too long.

Let’s talk about this. Let’s have a civil conversation about a difficult subject. Talk to me.

When Trials Come

Seems that I am always trying to say something profound, especially to my children and grand children…something that is definite and final, that which tips the scale and as a result they are able to make good choices and avoid all that is out there; and there is a lot out there to run from: drugs, alcohol, gangs and all that comes with that, peer pressure, and those who have evil intentions but wear sheep’s clothing and are able to deceive so many of our youth, and adults as well. But, alas, I’m still writing. I’m sure that my life will run out before I can accomplish the influential things I desire.

This poem is written to youth, and dedicated to light houses everywhere; those beacons, not unlike our own porch light that remains lit until the last have entered in for the night. A light house says, “Come Home!”…and when you are there, you are warm and safe.

When trials come upon us, they come in many ways.
We each face many choices through dark uncharted haze.
We each can pray for guidance to help us through life’s storms.
The Holy Ghost will guide us and keep us safe and warm.

And when we near the harbor, look for the lights on shore.
They’ll guide us to the channel, safe from the oceans’ roar.
The light house calls to us and shines pure, straight and true.
Through all our hardest trials, Christ’s love will see us through.

Now, child, you sail through waters where we have never gone.
We pray that Christ will bless you and your family will grow strong.
God gives to each of us weakness to teach us humility.
Remember to turn to Christ and His strength will set us free.

Pray for the strength to do the things that you’re inspired to do.
Don’t run faster than the spirit’s voice, or you won’t hear what’s true.
Take time to serve in sacred things and God will guide your way…
Like prayers, church and God’s holy house, and you will reach the bay.

Now, children, you know we love you from the bottom of our hearts.
We strive and pray for you and hope you’ll do your part.
We sense the heavy burdens that you are called to carry through.
Our prayers, hope & faith call for our Lord to comfort you.

This is a painting I created after our 2014 Oregon Coast trip. It is a composite of seascapes from Bandon, Cape Blanco, and even from a previous vacation to Pigeon Point in California.

The following message (about 2 minutes) speaks of light houses and youth:

Words of Love

We have all witnessed the miraculous power words of love can have on others. A few months ago my daughter collected 70 quotes from friends and family that answered her question to them, “Why we love Jeanne”. Then, in celebration of my 70th birthday, she presented me with a large framed collection of 70 quotes. Each one is simple, and yet reaches down into my heart, and are never to be forgotten. On the other hand, all of us have been at the receiving end of hateful words that often leave scars we carry for a lifetime.

It’s not what goeth in the mouth that defileth a soul
But what cometh out the mouth; kind words can make us whole.
I wish that I could find,
A tool, like an eraser,
To erase each hurt-filled line
Of all those words of anger
That leave my world-stained mind,
And pierce the hearts of loved ones,
So tender and so kind.
For words of love do strengthen
And lift each troubled soul.
Yes, words that lift the fallen
Will help each child to grow.
So I will try to master
That tongue within my head,
For one day, I’ll account for
The words that I have said.
It’s not what goeth in the mouth
That defileth the soul,
But what cometh out the mouth,
Kind words can make us whole.

Matthew 15:11

Love Unafraid

Overcome space and we’re faced with a place we call “here”.
Overcome time and we’re left with the hour of now.
Live while the rivers still flow and the sun lights today.
Tomorrow’s too late and we’re faced wrong to see yesterday.
The moment we’re in is alive if we live it right now.
It withers and dies if we set it aside for tomorrow.
Look at me now and hear what my song has to say:
Now is the time, here is the place for living today.

Overcome fear and all that we’re left with is free.
Overcome blindness to create reality.
Open your eyes and see all the real that is there.
Set your mind free to be yours and to be aware.
Life’s not a game, but there’s rules to direct destiny.
We’re bound by our fears locked inside, now set them free.
You can put peace in your mind if you reach out unafraid,
To discover a world full of truths God, with nature, has made.

Overcome pride and you’ll find in it’s place there is love.
Overcome hatred and feel what true peace is made of.
First be your own friend then give of your friendship and share.
You and your brother can learn understanding through care.
It never was meant that your ship is to be sailed alone.
Find a seaworthy crew and together is better than one.
Now is the time to tear down the walls we have made,
To be everyone’s brother, to share, and to love unafraid.

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Doctrine & Covenants 67:10 “And again I say unto you…that inasmuch as you strip yourselves from jealousies and fears…the veil shall be rent and you shall see me and know that I am…”


Tolerance Builds Patience

Last week we were editing some of our poems and had a discussion about the wording of one poem. As luck would have it, I can’t find that poem today, but, in essence it was talking about loving our enemies. We know that the New Testament speaks of Jesus’ words about that: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you…” Matthew 5:43-44. In our poem, Bob had written words something like, “To your enemies, be a host..” The first hearing of that leaves you questioning that advice. In the context of our modern world, it seems very out-of-place, but, in the context of the New Testament, it actually does hold validity. We came to the conclusion that loving enemies is a difficult request. We don’t even really love our friends as much as we should!

Perhaps that’s a good challenge for 2018. Bring yourself more peace by eliminating hate. Here is a verse from a poem that is NOT the one I was looking for:

Let us seek patience when hate tempts to make anger our attack
As we strive to douse hate’s fire, with soft words and gentle tact.
As our tolerance build our patience, peace flows from perfect love,
Through the Holy Ghost’s sweet spirit, like to cooing of a dove.

I found this applicable message on facebook:

True Courage

So, the New Year is upon us…another page, another day.. I really disliked New Year’s Day as a youth. It was the last day of Christmas vacation; back to school the next day, and, worse than that was that I had usually done NONE of the assignments due, which meant that I’d have to spend the entire evening racing to get them done, and mentally beating myself up because I’d let this happen again this year! And, we took out the beloved Christmas tree and accompanying decorations. I think that it is sometimes hard to face a new year because we drag so much baggage with us from last year; all of our failures and disappointments, and we beat ourselves up by telling ourselves that we never change, we never keep resolutions, and the new year does not really symbolize any form of HOPE. But, it should. We need to have the courage to have faith, which breeds hope. That’s what this poem is about:

True courage is found beyond our fear and our worries in this life.
Hope builds true courage to do what’s right in our times of strife.
Real courage is not thrill-seeking found in foolish vanity.
With hope, courage stands for the right, against inhumanity.

True courage is to speak up when we feel something is unfair.
True hope gathers allies, if we seek in sincere prayer.
The Holy Ghost will help us to grow strong, firm and true.
If we have faith in Jesus, His light will see us through.

True courage comes with knowing we are in the right.
When we stand for righteous goals, we will win the fight.
Let us gain true courage through each humble prayer
And we will have hope, when hate fills the air.

We choose true hope and courage; it heals each troubled soul.
As we give our fears to God, He helps us to grow.
He gives us strength to stand against hate, sin and insanity
And gives true courage to us to help save humanity.

We read in the Book of Mormon (Ether 12:4) that, “whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world…which hope cometh of faith…which would make them sure and steadfast..”

The Bible (2 Timothy:7)…”For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

And, finally, Elder Neal Maxwell, a former apostle stated, “Hope stiffens, not slackens, the spiritual spine.”

May you all find joy and love in 2018!!!

Wind Chimes

Wind has many moods, in force and intensity.
We see it in a summer breeze, or at a storm at sea.
We feel it in a brisk, cool wind, as winter stings each soul,
Or in the warm, hot summer, as sweat cools it’s hot flow.

Like wind we each have many changes that temper and steel our soul.
Sickness, injury and death can burn and freeze our flow,
Yet there are many times when we feel wind’s pleasant breeze.
Our memories can ease our hearts with such a gentle ease.

Christmas 2005

Today, we are using a guest poet, Sherrel E. Burgoyne. Sherrel is my aunt who passed away last June, and, as a tribute to her, I’d like to post this poem:

Maybe because they were out in the night
When the heavens were opened and flooded with light,
And they saw the angels and heard them sing
Glory to God and the newborn King
Maybe because that night they were out
They heard the message and did not doubt.

Maybe because they slept in the town
With their doors closed tight and their windows down
And they did not hear the songs from above
They did not hear the message of love
Maybe because that night they all slept
They heard not the message the angels kept.

What of us,
Where are we when the angels all shout,
Do we hide behind walls to feed on our doubt,
Or open our lives and let faith lead us out?

Into The Woods

Being close to Thanksgiving, I should entitle this, “Over the River and Through the Woods, To Grandmother’s House We Go.”, but that isn’t where they are going, nor is it the title of the painting, although, it is Thanksgiving time, and I am very grateful for all of my grand children seen in this painting.

Let us call it, “Into the Woods”. And it is a scene of my 6 grand children walking up a path. Some of the prominent intentions are:

1) They are walking into what appears to be a nice place.

2) There are 2 bears to be seen along the way. Are they friendly? The far one seems to be, but one wonders about the sneaky one on the right. Life is tricky and is not always easy to distinguish right from wrong or good from bad. The bears illustrate this.

3) Ammon sees the sneaky bear. He is holding Allie’s hand, giving him the role of protector. Ammon and Parleigh seem to be leading the group down the path. They are taking responsibility for the younger ones who follow, just as I hope they, and all of them, will do always and forever. Care for each other. Watch out for each other. Love each other. Help each other.

4) There is a bird flying high. This represents the Holy Ghost that will help to decipher the good from the bad and lead this little party safely to where they are going.

5) Now, the sad part of the painting. Notice that the children are all walking away from me. I am not with them, nor can I always be. But, nevertheless, I care and worry about them always and forever. And so this painting is dedicated to the last verse of my poem, “Give Them Wings”.

You stand at the threshold
Where I once stood,
With your back to our home
And the world in your face.
And I am glad
I am your mother (Or Grandmother).

I will miss you and wish
You were back home again,
But still I will help you
Fashion the best wings I can make
As you fly away from me.

Remember, Remember

I just finished a book, “The Time Keeper” by Mitch Albom. Since I have always been intriqued by ‘memories’, this book was also intriguing. It dealt with ‘time’. One quote from the book:

“You marked the minutes,” the old man said, “But did you use them wisely? To be still? To cherish? To be grateful? To lift and be lifted?”

Think of each moment as a grain of sand in the giant hourglass of our lives, and we hold that one grain right now. All the sand above and all the sand beneath–the past and future cannot be dealt with right now. Only one grain at a time.

Make memories, for that is what life is made of. Spend time with those you love while you have the time.

I remember precious moments in the past that give the present hope and light.. I love to collect memories and wish I could add to my collection every day. Days when I fail to do this are barren, and if there are too many ‘barrens’ in a row, life begins to feel meaningless.

We have nothing to remember if we do not savor life now. Memories are the acts of the present that bear fruit in the future.

Remember! Remember! from whence we’ve come, on trails of glory, from Thy Holy Son.
To prove on earth, our own true worth, This is our purpose, while here on earth.
Remember! Remember! to turn to Christ, so we may obtain eternal life.
Remember! Remember! The Holy Ghost, that He may guide us through Satan’s host.

Remember! Remember! Without our Lord, we could not follow His sacred word.
Nor understand His one true way, to lead us home to God one day.
Remember! Remember! His one true church that teaches us to pray, seek and search.

Remember to seek Christ when we are weak, with humble heart, sincere and meek.
The Holy Spirit will lift our soul, and help us know which way to go.
Remember! Remember! without God’s Son, we cannot return to the Holy One.

Remember! Remember! We have chosen Christ to guide us through earth’s trials to eternal life.
We need Thee, Lord, every hour and day; Thou art the light, the truth, the way.
Remember! Remember! To fast, search, serve, seek and pray,
And we will be lifted home to live and serve in our Father’s perfect eternal love one fine day.

Remember, Remember, Remember…….