Thank You

This is a post-Thanksgiving poem to remind us that it is always appropriate to be thankful. Today I’m thankful that it is snowing and I don’t have to drive to work.

Thank you God for everything
For mountains high, for rivers that sing
For oceans wide with endless sky
For mammals, fish and birds that sing and cry.

Thank you God for family
For grand kids, sweet, where joy runs free
For each child and married spouse
For foods to eat and a cool warm house.

For a wife that cares and honors me
For time to enjoy our family
For vacations amid the cares of life
For trials to share in toil and strife.

Thank you God for thy pure Son
Who gave his all for everyone
Who lived and died that we might see
How we can grow both pure and free.


Praise the Lord

Why is it that the fall colors: red, yellow, orange, brown….make us feel peaceful and grateful? Tradition is strong. Memories of sitting around the Thanksgiving table with family are powerful, and I am led to give thanks for family, past and present. Another year of peace and plenty. How truly blessed we are. May our thoughts, hearts, and help be turned to those who are in want; the numberless masses without shelter, or food, or even family.

Praise the Lord with heart and mind, by what we say and do.
Thank the Lord for everything we see and know that’s true.
Each day we live, each trial we face; in peace and also war,
The more we praise our Lord and King, the more our joy will soar.


Do Our Best

Last week, family events pressed upon me at a greater intensity. Bob and Aaron were disagreeing about how to sell Aaron’s house. I was stuck in the middle. Bob expounded all the things that can ever go wrong in life, and expressed that they probably would. I decided that I can no longer let these troubles inside my heart where they produce enough anxiety and fear to immobilize me. I can no longer react in the best ways. I feel like a spectator wringing my hands!

So, I chose to put problems, worries, negative thoughts, and all other things included in that group….to put them out at arm’s distance, where I can see them, but they can’t ‘get to me’. I thought of putting myself in a bubble. Within the bubble would be happy things, or the ability to see good in what is happening now. It’s a pleasant place because I choose to make it so. I smile. I breathe deeply, and I feel safe. I can build this bubble with prayer, music, service, thankfulness, scriptures, etc. Do you think it worked? Ya, it did. I was able to deal with problems and move on. I let only what I chose into my ‘bubble’.

Last night I was listening to an interview with the LDS songwriter/singer, Hilary Weeks. She said the same thing in her way. She said when she counted her negative thoughts she became depressed, but if she switched and counted the positive ones, she felt peaceful. So, there you go..just a little ‘tweak’ makes all the difference in the world.

So, I’m thinking, “Lord, I’ve learned a lesson. Could you just take away some of the problems in the first place?” Ha.

Do Our Best

Do our best in all we do; that is all our Father asks.
At work, at play, stay firm and true to all life’s varied tasks.
When we slip and sin, we cheat ourselves in many different ways.
Don’t build our house upon the sand. Repent and forgive each day.

God gives us weakness to humble us. This helps us turn to Him.
If we do, weakness fades, for with Christ we start to win.
If we learn and serve our Lord in truth, Christ lights our darkened way.
The more we search and understand our sweet Lord, the more we want to obey.

See 2 Corinthians chapter 4 about being troubled on every side, but not distressed.


Waiting is an Art

I so often get over-scheduled. Some days there is just no way to finish the list, so I try to go fast and push myself. Mostly, I do not enjoy what I’m doing. I’m just hoping that someday it will all slow down, so I can too. Then I get impatient, because, others, of coarse, aren’t doing stuff as important as I am. Waiting becomes really unbearable…waiting for traffic lights, waiting for people to finish their sentences and ideas, waiting in a grocery line…the list goes on and on. Do you feel pushed like this too? It’s been a busy week. My posts have been sporadic over the last few weeks, I know. Does anybody really read this? Hello, out there! I’d love your comments, more than you’ll ever know.

Waiting is an art, you know,
Some do it fast, some do it slow.
Some wait in silent, thoughtful bliss,
Some hate each moment, life slows their test.
At such a time, how do you go?
In frustration, or patience flow?



This last weekend was the semiannual general conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Messages from apostles and prophets are broadcast from several sessions. The messages are comforting, inspiring, educational, uplifting, chastening, and very personal to anyone, church member or not, who desires to follow the path Jesus paved.

Repentance was a topic discussed several times. For anyone who would like to read or hear these messages, log onto and follow the links for general conference. In a few days I believe the recent messages will be available to print, read, or hear. For the topic of repentance, three speakers come to mind: Reeves, Bednar, and Renlund.

Elder Bednar spoke of repentance and how we need to have faith in Christ to repent. To have faith that Jesus says to us “Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…” Isaiah 1:18. Most of what he said was well-known doctrine, but at the end of his speech, he spoke of those who have a hard time ‘believing’ what they know. In other words, they have faith, but making it personal and applying it is a step more difficult to achieve. I guess that’s like getting knowledge from your head to your heart. Perhaps that’s why some of us sincerely repent, and yet, keep reminding ourselves of past sins and follies and don’t allow ourselves to shed the guilt that has already been swept away. We do not draw upon the real power of the Atonement. Perhaps it’s easy to tell someone else that they are forgiven and should forget, but, when it comes to ourselves, we struggle. We need to be like the father who came to Jesus and asked him to heal his son. Christ asked if he believed that it was possible, and the father replied, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” Mark 9:24

Repentance and forgiveness are a two-edged sword.
Once we repent and are forgiven, we must believe the Lord.
For only by true faith in Christ can we receive his joy,
The pure grace that comes from Christ to every girl and boy.

And when we find ourselves caught in sin’s dark snare,
We must repent each day we live. Forgiveness lifts despair.
We each fall short in many ways. Pure light casts out all fear.
Through guidance from the Holy Ghost, we grow and see more clear.

Forgiveness is the healing balm, we feel when we obey,
Only when we humbly seek for forgiveness every day.
He helps us live more Christ-like, as repentance brings us joy.
As we repent, forgive and serve, Christ’s grace we do employ.


Forgotten Love

We all have good intentions–to get acquainted with a new neighbor–send a card of sympathy–pay an old friend a visit—tell somebody you love them–stop and listen with your heart. Too often I go to bed at night, having done nothing thoughtful for someone else. Didn’t cheer up anyone. Didn’t hug anybody. Made no phone calls…didn’t even send little text. The more I neglect to do this, the more dissatisfied I feel, and, the more I do it, the more peace I feel. I’d like to live each day with no regrets.

Yesterday’s words of comfort,
Why are they left unsaid?
Yesterdays’s words of gratitude
That never leave your head.
Tomorrow’s trials will surely come,
Then let’s express this day
The feelings and emotions
That come through work and play.
For kindness never leaves us cold,
But warms each new today,
For words of love and comfort
Make firm tomorrow’s way.



Yesterday, being 9/11, my thoughts turned to the terrorist events of that day 15 years ago. I found that I have a difficult time understanding the hate that is so evident in our world today. The lack of compassion. The disregard for life. It saddens me to know of all the sadness brought into the lives of so many families. I love the words so often spoke by our savior to love one another.

Hate is a destroyer of all we hold most dear.
Forgiveness is the healing balm that overcomes hate and fear.



Bob wrote this one long ago, before i-pads and video games, and cell phones. They could be added also. I think that perhaps we could call our day successful if we have actually spoken, face to face, with another human; the kind of thing where they talk and we listen, and then we talk and they listen; and we look at each other; and we live in the present. Anybody else agree?

See how they laugh
See how they cry
See how they live
See how they die.
While I become a vegetable
With an eye.


Worry and Fear

I’ve been fretting over changes looming in the family. I don’t do well with change, whether it is good or bad changes. I like things just the way they are! My son and family (5 of my 6 grand kids) will be moving 3 1/2 hours away. In the grand scheme of things, this really is not a big problem, in fact, it is probably a blessing. But I can count thousands of questions, problems and fears, none of which I can quite get a ‘handle’ on. My feelings have all been turned up-side-down, and sorting them is really painful.

I lay in bed at night, awake.
I count the many ways
That life can deal a deadly blow,
And fear creeps in my mind, uninvited.
I search for ways to make things right,
But always come up short.
Sometimes solutions just aren’t clear,
And, hard as it can be,
I need to trust that God, in time,
Will make all right and clear.
