Share Glad Tidings

Share glad tidings  of great joy  unto every soul.
When we find  something of great worth, share that truth  so we all can grow.
The Church of Jesus Christ  of Latter-Day Saints  teaches what is true.
Let us invite  souls everywhere.  Repentance  makes us new.

When we share  the Gospel's light  with others  that we see,
We must ask for  the Holy Ghost  to help set their  spirits free.
For only God  can enter in  and touch the  hearts of man.
With holy fire  the Holy Ghost testifies of  God's great plan.

There are countless souls  upon this earth  who know not  where to look.
Duty calls  us who know  to give each soul  God's Holy Books,
And share our testimony  with every willing soul.
With guidance from  the Holy Ghost, each child is helped  to grow.

Great shall be  each soul's reward, with every soul  we help save.
We share the truth  of Christ our LORD  & we build  beyond the grave.
Christ is the way, the truth & light.  There is no other way.
Share glad tidings  of great joy  and share it  every day.

In April 2023, President (and prophet) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Russell M Nelson, extended this invitation, “….study .. the account of the Savior’s appearance to the Nephites in the Americas, as recorded in 3 Nephi. Not long before that appearance, His voice was heard among the people, including these words of supplication: ‘Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?….behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive.’

Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ extends that same invitation to you today. I plead with you to come unto Him so that He can heal you! He will heal you from sin as you repent. He will heal you from sadness and fear. He will heal you from the wounds of this world.

Whatever questions or problems you have, the answer is always found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Learn more about HIs Atonement, His love, His mercy, His doctrine, and His restored gospel of healing and progression. Turn to Him! Follow Him! …I testify that following Him is the only way to enduring happiness.”

What Good Can Come?

What good can come by looking for the faults in others that we see?
We each have faults enough to keep us busy, you and me.
When we put someone down, to lift us up, we ourselves fall  from our place.
Let us lift the weak & poor, sick & sore, and receive the Lord's sweet Grace.

The words of Christ burn in each heart, who tries to understand.
"First take the beam from our eye, then a sliver from our fellow man."
"Judge not that we be not judged", helps keep us from pride's way.
"For as we judge, we shall be judged," are words to live, not just to say.

Sometimes when others hate us and strive to do us harm,
We strive to protect ourselves from false judgement that can harm.
The sin comes when we don't forgive the trespass of their deeds.
What good is there to hold a grudge?  Forgiveness, we each need.

When someone judges others on what they understand,
We each are like an ice burg; the tip is small to comprehend.
Yet each of us have depths below that others do not see.
We each can try to see the good another may not see.

A New Year

Well, 2023 is almost gone. Somehow, when unpleasant and stressful events seem relentless, we blame the ‘Year’ for it. That’s been my year: broken bones, surgery, family divorce, heartache, car wreck, hard drive crash, data breach….one on the tail of the other. I’ve been a complainer. Many days I have not been able to see anything to be grateful for. I should be ashamed.

Last week our family spent time together to celebrate Christmas. On one occasion when we were all crowded into the living room, we passed around the question: What do you hope for in the new year? All thoughts were meaningful. I was impressed. I was going to say that I hoped the new year would be more free of those stressful, unpleasant events….

…until my grand daughter said a very impressive thing. She said that she hoped that all would work out for the good, just like it had done so far this year. Those profound thoughts sunk deep in my heart. I could see her faith and her grateful humble heart. I contemplated 2023 events, and as I did so, was impressed at the ‘PATTERN’ they demonstrated; the pattern of disturbing events followed by a period of time ending in a good resolution. Time after time. And I felt grateful. I saw the lessons I learned, or perhaps should have learned. I saw the hand of God that was always there, and I saw 2023 a bit differently, and realized that perhaps I have just a bit more faith for 2024.

May we all look for the peace and light and joy waiting for the taking in 2024.

I like the hope illustrated in a poem written by my daughter, Valoree:

Mother Earth moves us into the shadow
The icy cold could penetrate to bone
In the darkness and the heart of Winter
We shelter in the warm hearth of home
Let us celebrate the coming of a New Year
The creeping approach of the return of light
With songs, thoughtful  gifts and pleasantries
We may bring out the unwilted mistletoe
A reminder to forgive and let go of grudges
And holly, with berries of bright red
For the strength of the deep roots of family
Our Evergreens stand beautiful and tall
Bedecked in ornament, Cheery and twinkling
And in the great, wild forests of the world
The sparkling, snow-covered, majestic pine
Stay green and resilient despite storm and frost
Each day the Sun will stay a minute longer
Reflect on the year!  Visualize your wishes!
Now is the time to cherish and look forward.

Patience is knowing the snow will melt and glorious spring will indeed come.

Alma 7:27 (from the Book of Mormon) “and now, may the peace of God rest upon you, and upon your houses and lands, and upon your flocks and herds, and all that you possess….from this time forth and forever.”


Reflections on Aging

Well, hello there. It’s been months since the last post, and I’m truly sorry about that. It’s been a really difficult year, and I’ve put off posting because I had nothing positive to offer. Actually, I still don’t, other than I suspect all of us have suffered about something this year.

But there are bright spots. I had a bright spot a couple of days ago. It was a poem written as part of a birthday present to me, by my daughter, who always knows what to say and how to say it. She should be doing this blog…I’ve got a lot to learn, and that can be exciting. The adventure.

Here’s the poem:

Passage of time
marked with flame
seamlessly passes
leaves nothing unchanged
begs the questions
rarely answered
our own reflection
slowly morphing
so slowly
that we really can't see
the onset of wrinkles and graying
the new face of 'me'
step back with fresh eyes
return to awe
maybe bewilderment
witness the sacred passage of time
the marks left behind
it's your journey pilgrim
all the pain
and glory
a tale sweet
sometimes sad
our own too short story
what a gift to grow old
to ripen and wise
what an honor to change
blessed with more time
to learn from our mistakes
perhaps even privileged enough
to live long enough to learn from others
why not embrace this temporary state
we call life
unfurl completely
stay ferocious
be kind
remain ever curious
an open and child-like mind
keep forgiving
keep loving
keep being surprised
at that aging reflection
it's a fleshy disguise
we're all young at heart
when you look at the eyes


“Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good…”

D&C 90:25

Parable of the Bubble Lights

Each Christmas season I eagerly anticipate the tradition of displaying the strings of bubble lights onto the Christmas tree. I meticulously attach each bulb in a space appropriately large and dark enough for them to be gloriously illuminated by the yellow, red or green bulb beneath the tube of liquid. Each one seems to shout from the darkened branches, but the real glory is the tube of colored liquid above the bulb that spritely bubbles as it is heated from below. The silent movement of the bubbles gives the whole tree a magical lively aura.

Over time, some light do not spontaneously bubble. This is troubling. I have discovered that, using a plastic spoon, a gentle (very gentle) tap on the top of the glass tube usually provides the sufficient disturbance to incite bubbling again.

On one occasion, with spoon in hand, I hunted for the un-bubbling lights and in my mind, I coaxed them, encouraged them to respond, reminding them that they were beloved and glorious, and, those who did not bubble WERE MEANT FOR GREATER THINGS! At that very thought, I was forcefully impressed with the thought of God gently tapping me in my occasional apathetic state, reminding me that I AM MEANT FOR GREATER THINGS.

Perhaps Jesus Christ thought something like that when he called fishermen to follow Him. He saw their light and knew that it could be more glorious.

As I was watching a Youtube scripture study (Don’t Miss This, Matthew 14), the presenters spoke of the parables of Jesus and challenged us to write a parable of our own, and, hence, I post the Parable of the Bubble Lights, as it was impressed upon me Christmas of 2021. Now, whenever I see a bubble light, I wonder if I don’t need a tap on the head to make me sparkle too! (By the way, don’t take my advise about tapping the top of the tubes because the liquid inside is not environmentally friendly if the tube might break and spread the liquid all over the room. Seriously, that does happen.)

Check out the Youtube mentioned above for some great insights into the New Testament. Also, as I always suggest, check out the website for a plethora of videos, thoughts, articles and messages, all posted there to uplift, comfort and challenge us all.


This video and many others are found on

Springtime is a grand showcase of New Life. Daffodils and tulips push their green stems up from newly thawed ground, a symbol of rebirth. The cold grip of winter with it’s lifeless landscape gives way to a miraculous splendor of life and color. It’s a parable! The tulips shed their dried up petals as the summer heat seems to dry up their very lives. The bulb lies hidden in the cold, dark earth until that glorious spring morning when it rises again. Resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ has broken the grasp of death. He lives today, and His power can enable us to become both new in spirit in our dark times in life, and new in body as a resurrected and eternally living person, a gift given to all of us, and celebrated again this Easter. Easter is truly a message of deliverance for all of us.

A Constant Prayer

How does one keep a constant prayer in one's heart?
Here are some ideas where we can start:
Some answers are found in the habits that we form.
Our daily prayers and study keep us safe from life's storms.

Study of Holy Scriptures gives us the desire to pray.
True prayers of meditation help us more day by day.
As God's wisdom grows in us, we open up our heart.
As we honor God's Sabbath, this will help us start.

By asking Lord Jesus for forgiveness, repentance helps us see.
As we grow more constant in the Lord, we begin to truly see.
Then constant prayer, like a seed in us, starts to grow.
Through our gratitude and attitude, we begin to truly know.

The more we seek for constant prayer, the more we learn and grow.
We each must strive to hear the spirit more each night and day,
As we learn to hear the still small voice and walk in God's pure way,
We believe each weak child, in Christ, can, in their heart, hear and see.
If we strive with heart and soul, body and mind, our Lord will help us be
In constant touch with the Holy Ghost ,as we are meant to be.

Below is a simple1-minute video about prayer taken from

Temples are obvious places of prayer, but we could never have a constant prayer if we only prayed in the temple! Sometimes my best times to pray are driving in the car, or stopping to enjoy a view, or when a wave of anger comes on me, or, or, or anytime. Anywhere. Isn’t it marvelous that we have access to God and his peace, comfort and strength anytime we are willing? Where are your best places and times to pray?

Who are we, really?

Some months ago I joined a local group in an online class on emotional resilience. There were many good ideas to help anyone to navigate those times in life when we feel that we are in a dark place, or when we feel hopeless, or afraid, or depressed, or suffer from all kinds of anxieties. Everyone faces those times, and in our current economical and political and social climate, we are more likely to feel an increase in these emotional crises.

In the class, there was presented a video produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It deals with our identity, and I believe it is a foundational concept to help us avoid those dark places.

The video link is found below:

For His Grace is an Enabling Power

In our church Sunday school class we recently studied and read many chapters out of the Book of Psalms in the Old Testament. I’ve come to like Psalms because it is full of poetic, comforting phrases, like: “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.” , “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” ,or “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”…and the list could go on and on.

I have a friend at the gym who teaches in Sunday School. She told me that she challenged the class to write their own psalm, and I thought that would be a good thing to do for this blog, especially after I read Psalms 136. You should read that first, then perhaps mine will not appear too unusual, or repetative.

Praise the Lord, He is my helper
For His Grace is an enabling power.
When my strength entirely fails me,
His Grace is an enabling power.
When my heart is weighed with troubles,
His Grace is an enabling power,
And I pray for comfort in my worry,
His Grace is an enabling power.
I will choose him as my counselor,
For His Grace is an enabling power,
Trust in His unfailing hands of mercy,
For His Grace is an enabling power.

Recently I have been focusing on God’s enabling power, and have come to the conclusion that it’s application is beyond valuable, and have realized that is the definition of Grace. I always thought of Grace is being God’s unconditional love for us. I suppose that is still correct, but it lacks specific meaning, until it is defined as His enabling power.